In this seventh and final chapter we will look at the NEW EARTH and the NEW HEAVEN, as recorded in Revelation
21. Some theologians teach that God will only renew this old heaven and earth. However, I believe that God plainly reveals
in His Holy Word that by new He means brand new and not renovated or repaired. A renovated new earth would soon become corrupt
and polluted by sin, as did the old one. The new creation will be beautiful and perfect. The apostle John says: "Then (after
the destruction of the devil and after all the unbelievers are judged, Rev.20:11-15) I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for
the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea." (Revelation 21:1) I believe with all my heart that God
means exactly what He says. By new earth and heaven He means a totally new creation, which will be different and better than
the old one. If I tell you that I have bought myself a new car, you would understand me and picture me in a brand new car,
and not in a car which was only repaired and repainted and looks like new. In 1984 we moved into our present location in Mississauga,
from Toronto, where we had lived for 34 years. Before moving into our new location, since this house was in very poor condition,
we had to renovate it. We sterted with a new roof, and went on to put in a new furnace, insulation, new carpeting and
a new coat of paint outside and inside. To us it looked like a new house, but it was still only a renovated house.
The apostle John also states that "the first earth had passed away". (Rev.21:1) This truth is confirmed
by the apostle Peter who says, that the present world, both this heaven and earth "will disappear with a roar". (2 Peter 3:10)
About 800 years before John received his revelation, God declared through his prophet, that one day He will create everything
new. He says: "Behold, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they
come to mind." (Isaiah 65:17) Let us be sincere, dear friends, if we believe that at the beginning God out of nothing created
everything - the whole universe, (Genesis 1) why could He not be able again to create the new heaven and the new earth? Remember
that "all things are possible with God." (Mark 10:27b)
The new heaven and the new earth is not only our wishful thinking or dreaming. This is a reality which God
has promised to His children. He also says, that "As the new heavens and the new earth that I will make, will endure before wil your name and descendants endure." (Isaiah 66:22) The new earth will be even more beautiful than was paradise
before Adam's sin. (Genesis 3) All the believers have something to look forward to with excitement and with joyous anticipation.
Our generation is mobile. Quite often people move from one place to another. Sometimes they are transferred
by the company they work for, at other times they might move because they simply are looking for a better place to live. For
whatever reasons people move, we know that people do it all the time. In many cases, the husband goes ahead to another city
or town, (sometimes his wife joins him) to see if he likes this new place of employment. Then he looks for suitable accommodation
where his family may live. When he finds such a place, he telephones his family and asks them to get ready, because on a certain
day, he will come to get them. Of course, in most cases he first brings his wife and family to see new location. But this
is not always possible, because the transfer might be to another province, another state or even to another country. Jesus
is doing the very same things, as He went to prepare a place for His church. (John 14:1-3)
The Holy Spirit gave special inspiration to His servant John to describe to us the beauty and glory of the
new place. He is preparing for all those He chose, for those who love and serve Him, and now are anticipating His return.
Please read carefully Revelation 21 and 22.
In one occasion somebody stated that "if believers would fully comprehend the beauty, glory and the blessings,
that God has for them in heaven, they would not want to stay on this earth any longer." The apostle Paul confirms this
meaningful statement, when he writes: "What no one ever saw or heard, what no one ever thought could happen, is the very thing
God prepared for those who love Him." (1 Cor.2:9) He adds in Prilippians 1:21-23 that for him to live is Christ and death
is gain, and that he has the desire to depart from his body and be with Christ. In another place Paul talks about the indescribable
beauty of heaven, when he says: "I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven ... whether
in body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows ... He heard inexpressible things, things that man is not permitted
to tell." (2 Cor. 12:2-4) I feel that the only reason why the apostle Paul says that he could not talk about heavenly glory
is the fact that nobody would understand or believe him. I remember when my wife Rose and I, during our visit to Czechoslovakia,
were talking to our relatives and friends about Canada, about our lifestyle, comfort and freedom, they were not able to comprehend
it. Some of them thought that we were spreding capitalistic propaganda in their (at that time) socialistic state. Yet we were
only, briefly and very carefully, telling them about our country and about those things we have, and many times take for granted.
1. In the new heaven and new earth, everything will be pure, beautiful and perfect. There will no longer
be sickness, suffering, sadness, sorrow, disappointment or separation from loved ones because sin, satan and death will
no longer exist. Praise the Lord for this glorious promise! We are witnesses today to the fact that so often sickness, accidents
and other tragedies, cause death and separate happy families. Death comes unexpectedly and claims so many lives at their prime.
Young and old, men, women and even children must leave everything and go. But this great enemy of mankind - DEATH - will not
be in heaven, because God "... will wipe every tear" from believer's eyes, and "there will be no more death or mourning or
crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21:4)
We may state after Christ's return to our earth, the history of this present world will end. (Rev.20:10)
From this time on, a new era will start, because everything will be new. Otherwise old sins would be repeated and old systems
reinstated, and with it old horrors, terrors, suffering, agony and sorrow, which plagued this earth for so many millennials,
would reappear. Now a new era will start. New chronology will begin and with it will be a new calendar. Finally, truth and
righteousness will prevail! Christ the King will rule with love and justice. Everyone will enjoy His blessings, peace, joy
and blissfulness.
2. The New Jerusalem.
One of God's gifts and great mysteries is this glorious city called the New Jerusalem. It is designed by
God and prepared by Jesus. (John 14:1-3) According to Revelation 21:10-27 it is called "the Holy City" (v.10) which will come
down from heaven. God will dwell in it with all His saints, and with all the people Jesus redeemed by His precious blood.
We read that Abraham was also looking forward to being in that city, "whose architect and builder is God." (Hebrew 11:10)
We can see that Abraham also believed in this wonderful place and in a home prepared for those people who follow Jesus Christ.
The New Jerusalem will be a real city, with gates, walls and foundations. It will be big and beautiful.
It will come down from outer space. (Rev.21:1-2) And perhaps it is on its way right now as you are reading about it.
This Mysterious city will be like a large square, about 2,200 kilometers wide, 2,200 kilometers high and 2,200 kilometers
long. It will be like a huge cube. (Rev.21:16) Most likely it will be placed by God somewhere in this universe even as today
they place different satelites in space, because if such a gigantic city were to be placed anywhere on this planet, it would
cause an abnormality in the earth's rotation. Our earth would wobble, because of its weight, even as unbalanced tires do on
an automobile.
However, we may rest assured of this, that whatever our God does, will be right, good and helpful. Two thousand
years ago He sent us His dear Son, Jesus, to be our Savior. On the day of Pentecost He sent us His Holy Spirit to be
our Helper and Conforter. Now He will send from heaven this marvellous and mysterious city, the New Jerusalem, to be the eternal
abode of His redeemed people. Even if today we cannot adequately describe it and sufficiently explain it, we know that it
will be most beautiful city where there will dwell peace, purity, loveliness and blessings. Blessed are all those pure
in heart who will not only see God (Matt.5:8) but will dwell with Him eternally in that foursquare city. Today God dwells
somewhere in the highest heaven, although through His Holy Spirit, He is in every believer. (1 Cor.6:19) But one day
all His redeemed people and all those that He has chosen in Jesus Christ, will dwell with Him in this New Jerusalem. John
R. Clements talks about this in his hymn, called "No Night There".
He says:
"In the land of fadeless day,
Lies the "city foursquare,"
It shall never pass away,
And there is "no night there."
All the gates of pearl are made,
In the "city foursquare,"
All the streets with gold are laid,
And there is "no night there."
And the gates shall never close
To the "city foursquare,"
There life's crystal river flows,
And there is "no night there."
There they need no sunshine bright,
In that "city foursquare,"
For the Lamb is all the light,
And there is "no night there."
God shall "wipe away all tears,"
There's no death, no pain, no fears;
And they count not time by years,
For there in "no night there."
(Choice Hymns of the Faith, No.397)
This beautiful hymn is based on Revelation 22:5, which also declares that the Lord God will dwell with His
servants in that city for ever and ever. These believers will see His original glory even as Adam and Eve saw Him before the
fall (Genesis 3). They will also enjoy all the blessings He will bestow upon them as they continue to serve Him in humility
with joy and with thankful hearts. Their joy and service will be sincere because in the New and Holy City there will
not be any curse nor sin. They will all dwell in light, purity and holiness as it was in paradise before the fall. Mankind
lost this privilege because of sin, as Romans 5:17 tells us: "For if, by the trespass of the one man, Adam (Genesis 3)
death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift
of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ." All that which was lost through Adam will be returned unto
God's children through Jesus Christ. God's grace, mercy and blessings will be reinstated to all His followers in that glorious
city, called the New Jerusalem. Those who will enjoy these blessings of the Lord will be "a great multitude that no one could
count, from every nation, tribe, people and language ..." (Revelation 7:9)
3. But let us never forget the fact however, that heaven is a prepared place for prepared people. We always
prepare ourselves adequqtely for each special occasion, especially when we are invited to a special dinner or banquet with
famous people. We wear our best clothes and groom our hair. On one occasion it was my privilege to meet the Prime Minister of
Canada and at another time to meet the Queen's representative, the Lieutenant Governor. Both, Rose and I wore our best clothing,
and we tried to be presentable for the occasion. Therefore, let us be properly prepared for the meeting of the King of Kings
and the most Holy God. Be dressed in the robe of His righteousness which He has provided. Don't be like that indifferent
guest who came to the king's banquet without the wedding clothes which he provided for him. Because of this disrespect the
king ordered him to be thrown into the place of darkness where is "weeping and gnashing of teeth". (Matthew 22:11-13)
4. Gold and precious jewels point to the great glory and purity of this mysterious city rather than riches.
What is more important than the treasures and riches of New Jerusalem, however, is the fact that the twelve gates in it are
named after the twelve tribes of Israel (Rev.21:12), and the twelve foundations on which the city is build, are named after
the twelve apostles of the Lamb. (Rev.21:14) This proves to us that here we have the whole church. Believers from
the Old and new Testament period will be in that great city. Together they will praise, worship and serve the same God for
ever and ever. The Lord Jesus Christ will unite them into one body. In His heart there is always enough room and love
to include everybody. He loves the whole world. (John 3:16) This word "world" in Greek "cosmos" means all nations, all races
ans all languages of the whole planet earth. He is not willing that "anyone should parish". (2 Peter 3:10) He wants everybody
to live with Him eternally in that glorious city - the New Jerusalem.
5. At this time I must point out all those who will not be in heaven.
God's Holy Word plainly reveales those who will be in heaven as well those who will not be there. We read
the following statements: "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice
magic arts, the idolaters and all liars - thir place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death."
(Rev.21:8) The apostle John also states in Revelation 22:15, that outside of the New Jerusalem, will be "... the dogs,
those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood,"
because "nothing impure will ever enter heaven." (Rev.21:27)
6. It is very interesting to notice that in the New Jerusalem there will not be any temple, (Rev.21:22)
and there is no need for the sun. "The glory of God" will give sufficient light. Neither will there be any night, Jesus will
be the source of all light. (Rev.21:23 and 22:5) In the old era and in the Old Testament times, the Temple was the centre
of life of the people of Israel. Somehow everything revolved around God's Temple, around sacrifices, regular services and
special festivals. During that time the people of Israel would read the law and the prophets, sing Psalms, sacrifice their
many offerings and worship the Lord God. Even today we meet in different churches or in private homes, for regular and special
services, where we, through prayers, hymns, worship, reading and expounding the Holy Scriptures, praise our living God.
This will all end. In the New Jerusalem believers will only need the Lamb of God. They will forever and ever worship, praise
and honour the Almighty God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. I must draw your attention to one more very interesting point, namely, that in heaven all the people
will again speak the same and only one language as they did before their tongues were confused as they tried to build the
Tower of Babel. (Gen.11:1-9) God says through the prophet Zephaniah 3:9: "For then will I turn to the people a pure language,
that thay may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent." Now all these people who were changed by
God's Holy Spirit will speak the same language as together they will worship, praise and honour the Lord with one language
and with the same desire, to please and praise only Him. This indeed will be an era of grateful service, joy, thanksgiving,
contentment and of eternal bliss.
Dear friend, you might not understand much about theology nor know everything about eschatology, but if
you want to escape the judgment to come, and get to heaven, just trust Jesus for Salvation. Do what the Philippians
jail keeper did many years ago. When he asked: "Men, what must I do to be saved?", notice that the apostle Paul did
not tell him, to join a church or depend on his good deeds. He told him with great emphesis: "Believe in the Lord jesus, and
you will be saved ..." (Acts 16:30-31)
In 1989 Rose and I were privileged to visit Vienna, Austria where at one time the famous and powerful
Hapsburgs ruled. It is said that before the Emperor Franz Josef was buried in the royal tomb, there was an impressive ceremony.
Before the expensive casket of the Emperor was brought in, the royal chaplain asked the keeper of the cemetery where the royal
tomb was, to admit the body of the monarch. During this time the keeper asked: "Who is there?" To which the chaplain answered:
"I ask the admittance of the body of Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, King of the Romans ..." and he
went on and on with many titles. But the keeper answered: "I don't know Franz Josef, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary ...
" After a short period of waiting, the chaplain knocked again on the cemetery's door. When asked this time by the keeper of
the royal cemetery. "Who is there?" He simply answered and said: "I ask admission for Franz Josef, a poor sinner saved by
God's grace." At that time the keeper opened the big steel door and said: "Enter Franz Josef, poor sinner.."
Dear reader, do not plan to stand before God on the day of judgment hoping to claim any of the titles, Achievements
and good works you might have. God will not accept them. With the tax collector of old, ask God to have mercy on you, a sinner.
(Luke 18:13b) Only God's mercy is your sure pass into the New Jerusalem.